Shalom Network

The SSND vision of co-creating a just society is also captured in the SSND international network for justice, peace, and integrity of creation called Shalom.

While we experience hope in the many efforts toward greater collaboration and peace-making in the human community, we see also that expanding globalization is widening the gap between rich and poor.
– SSND Call to Transformation, 2002

Learn more about the Shalom Network.

The Conceptual Framework for SSND Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation Commitments is called Integral Ecology. Integral Ecology is the way Pope Francis describes the indivisible relationship among all living beings and systems that form the community of life on planet Earth. Pope Francis, in his encyclical Laudato Si, reminds us that contemporary concerns and causes of human and planetary suffering are interrelated; therefore our work to transform social and ecological injustice must be similarly integrated. 

Learn more:

The Conceptual Framework for SSND Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation Commitments is called Integral Ecology.

Reflection Handout for International Day of Peace 2020