Recipe for Lent: Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord

SMRBy Sister Mary Roy Weiss, SSND

I like to bake! Whether it’s making a baked macaroni and cheese dish for my friends at Thanksgiving, or a cake to celebrate another Sister’s birthday, the process of baking fascinates me, as does the end result that emerges from simple and often unrelated items.

There is a transformation that occurs from mixing and blending the ingredients dutifully lined up on the counter. Add heat, and the “Voila!” moment of reckoning occurs. It becomes something new. 

The lesson I have learned from baking is: This + That = CHANGE!

The message of change is voiced by God in Hosea 11:8: “My heart is changed within me…all my compassion is aroused.”  I am reminded that I may need to change my ways to be faithful to God. 


Before changing my heart big-time, I need to change my mind/thoughts big-time! 

I recommend reading Change the Way You See Everything by Kathryn D. Cramer and Hank Wasiak. It reminds me to envision reality in new ways. John P. Kotter’s book, The Heart of Change, examines the "Real-

Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations." I wonder if the author studied Jesus’ behavior to arrive at his text? For example, on page one of his book, Kotter states: “People change…because they are shown a truth that influences their feelings.”

The people around Jesus saw His truth--that He was a healer par excellence with themselves, their family members, and communities! They felt his love and witnessed his miracles of change in their lives. He influenced their feelings of thanks, gratitude, joy and faith in God. While praying the Our Father, He gave us His own recipe to access the heart of God. Overall, the best recipe and greatest gift he offered us was changing the bread and wine into His own body and blood. Such simple ingredients, such a profound result.

This + That = CHANGE! Jesus was a change agent!

Following in the footsteps of my Lord and Master, I see change in my life. It will happen a lot in the future, as it has happened a lot in the past.  The question is, will I accept it happening in the present? One would think that realizing how God has been with me during past changes in my life would prime my heart and spirit to accept any changes in any present life. Easier said than done!

I can resist change and rely on past modes of behavior without even blinking an eye! Perhaps I need to blink my eye more and let change happen so that my mind and heart can respond to “the new” with God’s grace surrounding me with Divine surprises.

What could “the new” bring to my attention this Lent?  Answer:  daily chances/changes to “bite my tongue” before uttering insensitive words or gossip, ongoing chances/changes to draw my life back to a contemplative stance in great or small decision-making, many chances/changes to alter the expected “daily order” scheduling, and several chances/changes to allow greater listening to “the other” along my tracks.

The proof will be in the pudding (or cake)! 

What will my life look like this Lent? Will I faithfully use the ingredients God sends my way? Will my efforts at asceticism and loving relationships have the flavor of compassion? Will my attempts to change be “half-baked”? What will the recipe for Lent yield? 

Taste and see the goodness of the Lord!  (Ps. 34:8)

Happy baking!

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