Gospel Fund Grantees - March 2018

Twice a year the School Sisters of Notre Dame award grants to organizations working for justice. These groups benefit people, mostly women and children, caught in poverty, human rights abuses, or environmental devastation. To view the 2017 - 2018 GF Booklet please click here for a printable booklet please click here .


Meet our Gospel Fund Grantees March 2018:


Heart’s Place Services, Baltimore, MD

$5,000 to purchase food for Weekend Survival Kits for homeless children


Adiaha Obong Secondary School, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

$4,500 to build a new kitchen for girls’ boarding school


Ignatian Spirituality Project, Chestnut Hill, MA

$5,000 to provide over-night retreats and follow-up Days of Recollection for homeless women in Boston


LifeWay Network, Inc.,  Forest Hills, NY

$5,000 to supplement the salary of a Safe House Manager


Institute of Notre Dame High School, Baltimore, MD

$5,000 toward tuition for a Refugee student from Mauritania, West Africa


Notre Dame Secondary School, Mkar, Nigeria

$5,000 to purchase a Commercial Bread-making Machine For this girls’ boarding school


Notre Dame of Maryland University, Baltimore, MD

$3,000 teacher training initiative in Haiti


National Farm Worker Ministry, Raleigh, NC

$5,000 to supplement salaries for the staff of Harvest of Justice which provides resources for churches, schools, & communities on behalf of the farm workers’ campaign for justice


Dawn’s Place, Philadelphia, PA

$5,000 to help cover costs of the safe house: counseling services, insurance, utilities, and administrative supplies


EXPO, Ex-incarcerated People Organizing, Milwaukee, WI

$5,000 for advocacy training for former prisoners to help change Wisconsin’s “crimeless revocations” policy


Our Lady of Hope/St. Luke School, Baltimore, MD

$5,000 to purchase a permanent playground structure


Notre Dame Learning Center, Rochester, NY

$4,000 to purchase educational materials for students and provide professional development for tutors


SHARE El Salvadore, Berkeley, CA

$5,000 to fund Life Skills Women’s Guild Initiative in El Salvadore which provides training and materials for women in gardening and business skills


Every Black Girl, Inc., Columbia, SC

$5,000 to provide support for 10 girls training and networking in South Africa


Catholic Charities – Archdiocese of Chicago, Chicago, IL

$5,000 to provide mental and behavioral health services for formerly homeless families


GEDCO Cares,  Baltimore, MD

$5,000 to purchase raised beds for fruit, vegetables, and herbs for low-income families to grow their own nutritious food


Notre Dame Prep School, Towson, MD

$2,000 to enable 3 students to participate in an immersion service program in Latin America and also to support another service learning project in Baltimore City

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