A Dream Realized

By Sister Mary Dooley, SSND

Not many people have the opportunity to see the fruits of their labor. 

On November 9, 2023. Sister Frances Butler (at left) and I had the privilege of attending the 30th anniversary of Mother Caroline Academy, the school we helped to found in the inner city of Boston in 1993. What a thrill to witness first-hand our shy, apprehensive 5th and 6th graders stand proudly before us as mature, sophisticated lawyers, accountants, nurses, and entrepreneurs. These former students shared stories of personal transformations that led them to realize their goals and change their lives. 

It was evident to all attending the celebration, that the words and testimonies of the graduates were living proof that the education they received at Mother Caroline Academy enabled them to reach the fullness of their potential as individuals created in God’s image and assists them to direct their gifts toward building the earth. They now want to give back to the school and mentor present students to reach for their star.

Our hearts were full of gratitude and pride for it was an evening to celebrate 30 years of amazing transformations- transformations of a building and a place but most importantly of young women and girls who reached for their star and found it. Mother Caroline’s spirit is alive and well in the inner-city of Boston as well as in the lives of hundreds of women and girls throughout the world.


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