Dare to Care - October 29th 2021

Laudato Si Quote:

29. One particularly serious problem is the quality of water available to the poor. Every day, unsafe water results in many deaths and the spread of water-related diseases, including those caused by microorganisms and chemical substances. Dysentery and cholera, linked to inadequate hygiene and water supplies, are a significant cause of suffering and of infant mortality. Underground water sources in many places are threatened by the pollution produced in certain mining, farming and industrial activities, especially in countries lacking adequate regulation or controls. It is not only a question of industrial waste. Detergents and chemical products, commonly used in many places of the world, continue to pour into our rivers, lakes and seas.

For reflection: Pay attention to the water you use this week, for watering plants, for washing hands, for washing clothes, for washing dishes, for taking baths, for brushing your teeth, for flushing the toilet. What is such “water mindfulness” linked to this quote from Laudato Si? How might you be a better steward of clean water? How might you advocate for clean water for others?

Climate change

Why Catholics Should Care about COP26  https://www.fspa.org/content/ministries/ecological-advocacy/resources-and-events

Laudato Si commitment. 

In November, at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), countries will announce their plans to meet the goals of the Paris agreement. Ahead of those meetings and inspired by the Vatican’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform, people of faith are joining their voices to those of the most vulnerable to call on the world’s leaders to commit to dramatically reduce greenhouse gases.

The Laudato Si Movement’s petition, Healthy Planet, Healthy People, urges all leaders participating in the international climate talks in November to increase their commitments to cutting greenhouse gas emissions, stop all new fossil fuel infrastructure and redirect subsidies toward responsible renewable energy and farming practices. The petition also demands action to stem biodiversity loss. 

The Catholic Climate Covenant has developed two letters, one from individuals and the other from institutions, which urge President Biden and members of Congress to “work together beyond partisanship, and for the common good, by enacting ambitious national solutions and demonstrating global leadership that address the sources and threats of climate change.” Please consider signing the letter from individuals, asking your congregation to sign the letter from institutions and then encourage your bishop, priest, or other church leaders to sign the Climate Action Letter for Catholic Institutions,

Justice for Immigrants

Margarita Silva, an SSND Associate, co-chair of the Justice for Immigrants Committee, and ESL instructor at an SSND sponsored ministry, offers her reflection on Dia de los Muertos in this video. It’s a beautiful and personal story of the Day of the Dead and what it means.

Dismantling Racism

A wonderful opportunity for an online retreat “Transforming Spirituality in a Time of Plague” which reflects on the work of Constance FitzGerald OCD, through the Carmelite Monastery of Baltimore, November 13-14. For more information and registration information, click here.

End Human Trafficking

“Seafarers contend with turbulent seas made worse by climate change, modern-day piracy, long and grueling workdays, constant exposure to the elements, and lack of medical attention while aboard a vessel. Pope Francis describes their occupation as one of the most dangerous in the world. Those who work on vessels are also at risk for labor exploitation, which at times rises to the level of human trafficking.” 

While the news focuses on supply chain issues and holiday gifts, we are reminded of the human beings who work on the ships that bring us so many of the goods we consume. The US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking has joined a campaign to protect seafarers. Join this campaign with a petition to Walmart to protect these vulnerable human beings. For more information about the workers and how to sign the petition, click here.

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